Our approach to training
Our approach to training & workshops:
is co-designed with you
builds linkages between strategy and day to day processes
uses tools and techniques to support sustainable change,
can be delivered on-line or f2f, and
makes learning a (more) enjoyable learning experience.
#1 - Growing Your Good: Building collaborative and effective workplaces
‘Under the hood’ of every governance framework are the day to day behaviours that either drive positive change or stall it.
This training, which is applicable to all staff, identifies and provides examples of behaviours that support and enable stronger governance and better decision making. Areas covered include:
the ‘mutual learning’ approach to decision making
dealing with complexity
managing workplace toxicity, and
building a psychologically safe workplace.
#2 - Managing government risks (Introductory)
This training provides a foundational introduction for any level of staff in relation to risk management policy and practice (based on the relevant government risk management policies and the international standard AS ISO 31000:2018).
The course covers:
key elements of risk management policies and frameworks
key risk terms and the risk management process
identifying and describing risks, controls and treatments
applying organisational risk appetite and tolerances to decision making, and
building and maintaining positive risk culture.
#3 - Managing government risks (Advanced)
This training is based on applying an organisation’s risk management policy and framework (attendees will either have some understanding of risk management or have completed the introductory course). The training is applicable to any level of staff with responsibility for:
leading teams and building positive risk culture
planning, conducting and documenting risk assessments
identifying and managing stakeholders and shared risks
assessing the effectiveness of existing controls, and
determining risk levels and whether risks can be accepted or further treatments applied.
#4 - Identifying and managing shared risks
This training provides participants with the tools and skills to identify shared risks and interdependencies with internal and external stakeholders. Areas considered include:
dealing with increasing stakeholder complexity and decreasing transparency
3rd and 4th party contracts
establishing a network approach to shared risk
the three Cs - coordination, cooperation and collaboration, and
creating and monitoring network agreements.
#5 - Risk leadership
This training provides middle and senior managers (with an existing understanding of risk management) with opportunities to develop their capacity to:
apply their organisation’s risk management framework (and risk appetite and risk tolerances) to day to day and strategic activities
identify and collaboratively manage stakeholders and shared risks
positively influence their organisation’s risk culture, and
be a risk leader.
#6 - Designing effective public sector governance frameworks
This training is for middle and senior level managers in public service organisations who are involved in designing and implementing governance or risk frameworks.
The training provides an overview of the key elements in public sector governance frameworks, using practical examples and case studies, with a focus on developing a practical understanding of risk management frameworks and how they can be designed and implemented to better enable day to day decision making.
Using case studies, the course considers:
relevant legislative frameworks, policies and guidelines
the international risk management standardAS ISO 31000:2018
how the standard is applied to public sector jurisdictions, and
linking governance to performance and organisational culture.